
  • Fancy git branch list

    Ever struggle to remember which branch is which? Here's a pimped out version of that might help. It lists the branches with most recent commit date first and includes a bunch of useful info to help identify which branch is which. Here's a screenshot (using source from the Ruby on Rails repo) Fancy…

  • Finding the pull request for a commit

    Stumbled across a great tip on Stack Overflow showing how you can get Github pull request information into your local repository. First you need to tell git to include the pull request data in a fetch. Note that if you have a different remote name for Github you will need to change references to…

  • A git workflow that plays nice with Github

    Every change should be made on a branch You're probably already doing this but Github pull requests make this a necessity. Branching is cheap and easy so there is no reason not too. It's also worth noting that you can create a branch with a dirty working tree so if you make some changes and then…

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